Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Grand Canyon - my, what a grand canyon!

I guess that you have guessed from the aptly named title of this blog, but I will say it anyway.... we went to the Grand Canyon! Woohooo!

I was pretty excited to be seeing my first of the Seven Wonders of the World, although, yes, I know, it is just a big hole in the ground, but it was one to cross of the list, and it was very impressive when we got there (actually, I imagine it is always very impressive, not just when we are there).

As you can see - pretty excited. Naomi was excited too (Benny was being cool).

That's better Master Benjamin, we paid a lot of money to come here on our air conditioned bus, so you'd better be excited!

So, since I got back, in fact, just now, before starting this blog, I have been onto Wikipedia only to discover that I still have not yet visited one of the Seven Wonders of the World. According to the 2007 list, the Grand Canyon has been relegated to the eighth Wonder! Who knew? I feel so cheated. I can't believe it! I wonder if they know yet? Is that the reason that they still charge Seventh Wonder prices to go on the tour?

And, it turns out that our Google/Wikipedia friends are now one of the new Seven Wonders! Yes, according to the USA Today list (there are a few lists, it is all getting a little bit confusing) the 'Internet' is the new fifth wonder, and I see that every day (I think...), and just to avoid any confusion, the location of the Internet is listed on Wikipedia as 'Earth' (in case any of us had any suspicions that one eyed green headed Martians were using our Wifi without having the decency to a least request permission first).

Anyway, back to the story. Being at the Grand Canyon reminded me so much of Homer Simpson. Those of you tuning in to the Simpsons on 6th Dec 1990 (US time, may have been 6 months later in the UK, and 2.5 years later in NZ, please adjust as appropriate) may, like me, have seen the scene when Homer takes a skateboard ride over the Grand Canyon (actually, just googled it and it took longer to find than I anticipated as it wasn't the Grand Canyon at all, but Springfield Gorge, but hey, the details aren't important, the principle 'Skinner' is the same). Haha, did you get my little joke there (are you seriously telling me that there aren't any adverts on this blog yet!)?

For those of you who didn't have the pleasure, here is Homer, skateboarding, by accident, on Bart's skateboard, over Springfield Gorge/The Grand Canyon.

Thankfully, our trip was not that eventful! Enjoy!


Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! We loved our trip to the grand canyon! Though I don't remember seeing Homer there :)
