Thursday, February 16, 2012

What an experience!

Aswell as putting ourselves through the torture of squat jumps and press ups (I could hardly even sit down to go to the toilet after the first day) this week, we also got involved in a few of the other activities on the ship, it was so much fun!

We watched an incredible ice skating show. Naomi liked the ducks.

Went to se Hairspray, the musical, then enjoyed an evening of showtunes (check out the chandelier!).

More theatre, in the full size theatre, with stalls and circle and everything!

Naom and Benny decorated cup cakes in the cupcake shop!

And check out my cupcake burger and fries, are you impressed?

Scrapbooking class, so I can commit all our photographic memories into a beautiful album, one day, maybe...

Benny and Alex enjoyed the boogie boarding, Alex even sat up on his knees and then did a 360 flip, I was very impressed.

And I zoomed over the ship on the zip wire, can you see me? That's me, in the pink;)

And we met a few rather animated characters.

Every evening we were pretty exhausted, cruise life is very busy.

And although there were no zoos on the ship (praise the lord!), we did meet a couple of animals who popped into our room now and again, much to Ben and Naomi's delight. I knocked one over by accident one time before Benny had seen it, and tried to make it again, but it was impossible. Those stateroom attendants definately deserve their 15% pre-paid gratuities!

Est xxx

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