Sunday, February 19, 2012


Next stop was the Mexican island of Cozumel. We met a genuine Mayan warrior at the Mayan ruins.

Ok, maybe he wasn't a genuine warrior, he was possibly just there for the photos, I started to suspect that when they ushered us to over to stand with him, snapped away and tried to charge us $15 for the print. We politely declined, but took a sneaky photo for free when he wasn't looking.

The ruins were really interesting to me, not sure what the kids thought, but I was fascinated. The tour guide told us of the original Mayan people in Mexico, who were very small people, with pointy heads. Apparently when babies were born, they attached large pieces of wood to their heads and secured them with rope, to make their heads that way, and it was a sign of beauty. The Mayan people also believed in reincarnation, and were buried in tombs with seven steps up to them, as seven was the perfect number (seven days of the week, seven colours of the rainbow, and God built the world in seven days). He also told us about the Mayan calendar and assured us that contrary to popular belief, the Mayan people did not predict that the world would end in 2012, thankfully for me, I didn't realise that in the first place, but my (potential) fears have now been allayed and I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief on that one, phew!

Alex must have got a little bored at one point, as he started taking photos of the clouds..!

Then to the beach. Our guide told us that if you go to Cozumel, and you don't go in the sea, it is like you were never even there...

We didn't need any further encouragement to wade into the clear perfect ocean. It was like a warm pool, with the added luxury of a sandy beach underfoot, absolute bliss and probably the nicest water I have ever been in.

And, with a little arm twisting, Alex and I were persuaded to enjoy the local export. You know it had to be done;)

The $10 tip to have our own private serenade was money very well spent.

I never remember the words, but this is how I sing it...

'One chocolate Aero
There's only one chocolate Aero
One chocolate Aero.....
There's only one chocolate Aero'

You know it? Sing along if you know the words...

It was truly our own private tropical oasis, and definitely one of my favourite places on the trip.


Est xxx

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