Monday, February 27, 2012

So Attractive

We are now in San Francisco, I am catching up slowly! We have been here for five days and I can't wait to tell you everything, it is such a fabulous city! It is so full of colour and excitement, there is never a dull moment.

But first, I have to tell you that we found a magnet shop, a magnetarium, if you will. Alex's mum would love it, as she collects fridges magnets and there were thousands to chose from. Here is a selection of my favourites. Janet, you have to guess which one Benny and Naomi chose for you!

No, that's not the one!


And, speaking of mustaches...

Which one is your favourite?

Est xxx

Janet, have to warn you, when you receive it, don't be tempted, it looks real, but it tastes rubbery!

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