Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oh Canada

Just a few weeks ago, we received an e-mail from our lovely Khandallah friend Caroline. Caroline and Mike and their three children, also friends with our two, moved to Victoria, in BC, Canada, for Mike's new job with Canada Rugby, only 6 weeks ago. Caroline said, if we hadn't finalized our plans for the US yet, that we were welcome to pop up to Canada to see them whilst on this side of the world. Alex (the official Skinnersontour holiday planner and also responsible keeper of the tickets and monies and passports) needed no further encouragement and booked the flights the very next day.

We arrived in Victoria on the Friday afternoon where Mike had left work early and borrowed a light amoured vehicle (almost) from a friend to pick us up from the airport, there is no way that Caroline and the kids could have picked us up, with our (almost ridiculously embarrassing) amounts of luggage.

Here is the Chu family in front of their new Canadian house, they had only moved into it on the Monday of that week, but I think Caroline had been very busy, the house looked great.

They live in an area called Bear Mountain (great name 'eh' - the Canadian's say 'eh' after every sentence just like the Kiwi's do, felt like home) which is a bit appropriate, Caroline is concerned about going too far off the beaten track in case she comes across a bear or cougar in the woods. I am worried about earthquakes, and Canadian people have to worry about the wildlife, nowhere is safe!!!

It is a lovely street, with new but gorgeous houses along it, I don't normally like new houses but I liked theirs, the Americans and Canadian's seem to get new houses right, they built them with lots of character and detailing inside, very nice.

Our children were so happy to see Eleni and Jacob and Sienna and rushed straight to their bedrooms to play Lego and dress ups, just like the old times, I think they have been missing their friends, as Jacob and Eleni must have been too.

Mike and Caroline and Alex and I kicked back with takeaways and a bottle of wine and talked and talked, we had lots to catch up on. It felt like being home again, ahhh.

Est xxx

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