Sunday, February 12, 2012

A zoo by any other name...

...still smells like a zoo!

Went to 'Jungle Island' in Miami Beach, our children are going to grow up to be zookeepers I am sure.

Naomi fed the goats their bottles, I asked the guy what was in the bottle, thinking it was maybe some kind of nutritional drink. 'KoolAid' he said. Isn't that some kind of sugary sweet kids drink? Maybe it's for goat kids as well as human kids. All a bit odd if you ask me!

Then we spent a while chatting to the zookeeper about the Orangutans. Apparently they have the same intelligence level as a ten year old child, and these guys even watch TV - every night they go to sleep to the Lion King movie!

God Bless America!

Est xxx

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