Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jamaica - No problem mon

Our next port of call was Jamaica. We signed up to go on a tour to climb up the Dunne's River Falls in Ocho Rio. I had this idea that we would be climbing up a big hill, New Zealand style, and then walking underneath a waterfall, but no, we started on a beach and literally climbed up the rocks of the waterfall, and it very cool, and quite unlike anything else we have ever experienced. There were rock pools everywhere to have a dip in, Naomi and Benny loved it. Benny even led the whole group of 20 of us, after the tour guide. He is very brave, I was very glad to have his hand to hold on to;)

Here is a photograph of us that the tour guide took of us (before we got completely drenched) that we paid $10 for. It is just a hard copy but I took a photo, of the photo (hope you are still following), so I could share it. We could have bought the dvd too, which included exclusive never-before-seen footage of me tripping over and falling into one of the pools, but $40 seemed a little too much to pay to have that embarrassment to keep forever on our shelf for Alex to show to you all for years to come.

The lovely tour bus guide (separate from the waterfall guide and therefore a separate tip, and, of course, don't forget the driver;) taught us a lot about Jamaican life on our meander around the area, and it was all exactly like every Jamaican cliche you have ever heard - YEH (yes) MON (the single most important word in the Jamaican language, mon can represent every person in Jamaica - man, woman and child)! Our guide told us that in Jamaica they don't have problems (no problem mon), just 'situations'. Also, she said, in Jamaica, they try not to raise the bar to high - they have a saying, 'don't put your basket so high that you can't reach it'. All sounds very relaxing to me - yeh mon.

After the waterfall we got up close and personal with the native wildlife and then had a dip in the blue Jamaican waters, all in all, a pretty spectacular day.

In my scrapbooking class a few days later, one of the ladies said she climbed a waterfall in Jamaica and was going to do a page about it and I thought, wow, that sounds awesome, then I realised that we did it too! I cannot believe that we have been to Jamaica Mon!

Est xxx

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