Sunday, February 12, 2012

Plastic Fantastic

Ok, so we are on Miami Beach so we had to expect it, but we have spotted a few (well, obviously by a few, I don't mean 3, because that would just be strange) fake boobs hanging around (again, not literally).

The other day we were in McDonalds when we saw some fakies walking in through the door. Obviously, they must have been attached to someone, but you didn't really notice that, as you are too busy focussing on the breasts. So, this lady was very happy to wear her boobs with no bra (she really didn't need one to keep them up) and the smallest of small camisole tops so nothing was left to the imagination, nothing.

My first thought was, oh my, somebody get that lady a t-shirt, cover her up, protect her modesty!!!

Then, the realisation sunk in. Of course this lady did not need a t-shirt, far from it. She was wearing her breasts with pride. You don't have modesty about your body if it is not your body, but something you have saved up for and paid for, ordered and purchased. Like me, with a new handbag, I would be showing everyone, saying, hey, look at me, look at my new handbag! Isn't it wonderful, aren't I lucky? Don't you wish that you too, could have a handbag like mine?!!

Miami is a fun and interesting place, but a bit of a culture shock after Paris, Rome and Barcelona. Nothing is quite what it seems, the beach is just divine, but I was told yesterday that even that is all man-made. The culture is so much about what you look like - even the manequins are well endowed!!

I can't help but feel rather pale and uninteresting here, but maybe I should wear a t-shirt, to explain to everyone, in case they were under any illusion...

Feeling somewhat flat.

Est xxx

P.S. No, I didn't get the handbag, it was yet another example of my restrained window shopping from afar, ahhhh, I really need more luggage space.

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